Call To Mind

Why do we over-complicate things? From small decisions to large life callings. Where to eat dinner out. What outfit to wear. Which color to paint our entryway. Decision after decision weighs us down.

“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians‬ ‭4:7‬ ‭NIV‬‬

I’m realizing that short, direct prayers are helping me combat the paralysis of those decisions. Small but mighty direct lines to God that help spur me into the direction of the Holy Spirit whispers.

  • God, what do you want me to know about my life?
  • God, what do you want me to know about my family’s life?
  • God, what am I missing?
  • God, call to mind what I need to remember.

One solid way I am seeing ripple effects from my prayers like this this past summer is our school choice for our kids this year. With much personal conviction from what God called to mind for us personally, we decided for me to step away from teaching in my public school role this year and focus on homeschooling Adeline and Asher.

While there is hard in every decision, the peace amidst the hard as we move forward, week by week, is how I know that God led our decision through answering those prayers I cried out to him. His will, not mine. In all things and decisions. God, let it be so.

His will, not mine. In all things and decisions.

How will you know you’re living in the ripples of provision? You’ll feel the peace. The world will still look blurry and confusing and easily mixed up. But you’ll feel solid in your spot in that moment of time in the peace that only God can give.

What is weighing you down that you need to release to God? Hand it over to Him and He will answer.

Send up the short, direct prayers. Pray them consistently. When you wake, as you walk and when you lay down to sleep. Watch as he answers. And then reflect on his faithfulness.