what I am

In building steam to write again, I’ve really had to dig into who and what I am. And just as important as it is to decide what you are and who you are, I find it’s just as critical to decide who and what you aren’t. Still with me?

When I have twirled and whirled and dived into creative flashes, I always end back up here. Back to writing. So in what I am, let’s start with the obvious.

I am a mother, a wife, a sister, a friend, a daughter, an aunt, a sister and daughter in law, a mentor. I am a teacher, a writer, an artist, a creative and a deep thinker.

And in all those, seeking first, I’m a Christ follower. That embodies every role.

I am someone that heads full-force into something and then can fizzle out just as hard. I wear my heart on my sleeve and fight like mad to keep it from breaking when I (almost always) leave it exposed.

I am a creative mind that is learning God meets me there and calls me there.

I am a perfectionist by spirit, but not by outward action. I am always doubting my abilities and my calling. I let the inner critic boss me around until I am paralyzed in decision making. I get upset when others call out in me what I know to be true but can’t swallow. I am always worried I will regret a step and I let fear wash over me like a rain shower, drenching me until I have to face it.

I am not a shallow-thinking or acting person. I go deep. I am not a leave people where they are and think it’s okay person. I am not able to let people settle for less than best (even though I often let myself). I am not a facts person, I am a feelings person. I’m not a “it is what it is” person. I’m a “why?” person. I can not let things lie. I want do dig. I am not a constant, steady motion. I’m choppy and inconsistent and a current-moving type of motion. Like the sea. Warm and cold all mixed together.

And in every bit of that, I am surrendered. I am full on me. And yearning to be more Jesus in order to be more me. In knowing who I am and who I am not, I know my Maker all that much better.

Have you considered lately what and who you are and what and who you are not? Let that pondering toss around in your soul until it comes to shore.

Call To Mind

Why do we over-complicate things? From small decisions to large life callings. Where to eat dinner out. What outfit to wear. Which color to paint our entryway. Decision after decision weighs us down.

“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians‬ ‭4:7‬ ‭NIV‬‬

I’m realizing that short, direct prayers are helping me combat the paralysis of those decisions. Small but mighty direct lines to God that help spur me into the direction of the Holy Spirit whispers.

  • God, what do you want me to know about my life?
  • God, what do you want me to know about my family’s life?
  • God, what am I missing?
  • God, call to mind what I need to remember.

One solid way I am seeing ripple effects from my prayers like this this past summer is our school choice for our kids this year. With much personal conviction from what God called to mind for us personally, we decided for me to step away from teaching in my public school role this year and focus on homeschooling Adeline and Asher.

While there is hard in every decision, the peace amidst the hard as we move forward, week by week, is how I know that God led our decision through answering those prayers I cried out to him. His will, not mine. In all things and decisions. God, let it be so.

His will, not mine. In all things and decisions.

How will you know you’re living in the ripples of provision? You’ll feel the peace. The world will still look blurry and confusing and easily mixed up. But you’ll feel solid in your spot in that moment of time in the peace that only God can give.

What is weighing you down that you need to release to God? Hand it over to Him and He will answer.

Send up the short, direct prayers. Pray them consistently. When you wake, as you walk and when you lay down to sleep. Watch as he answers. And then reflect on his faithfulness.

sweet summertime


It’s summertime and the living is….

I’m sure you can easily finish that thought with the typical ending to the phrase.  But when I really dig into that thought, I feel like there are a million other negative words that can easily fill in the blank when you’re a parent.




Another time to feel like I’m not hitting the mark.

When the devil is preying to steal my joy.

Stressful and anxiety-filled.

Although I know God doesn’t want us to live in the negative, I do think He wants us to face hard truths and dig into the honest beliefs in our hearts over something.  For me, this season comes with such joy, delight, and expectancy.  As a working teacher Momma, summer seems like the exuberant light at the end of the tunnel.  The ice water after a long run.  The sabbath of the year.  But at the same time, it comes with all these expectations and “am I doing it rights” or “am I doing enoughs” at the same time.  Because…well…that’s the world we’re living in, folks.  Constant comparison in our eyes, scroll after scroll, square after square, post after post.  And even the most humble, raw post of one person can be breeding ground for our sinful nature to twist and turn something until one’s joy has turned into our personal misery.

And let me just declare this now.  I AM NOT HERE FOR THIS THIS SUMMER.  I am here to declare all the humble, raw, joy and stripped down to the core, back to the heart of what this season is meant to be TRUTH.  Who is with me?


The slower mornings.

The extra margin for family memories.

The sunshine.

The care-free times to splash in water.

The late nights running barefoot catching fireflies.

The iced coffee and fresh foods.

The grace to start refined, slower, and more intentional family rhythms.

In my time with Jesus this morning, He showed me to Galatians 5:22-23.  The Fruit of the Spirits.  You may know them well.  You may be unfamiliar.  But let me share them in a nutshell: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  What was an ah-ha to me with this familiar passage was how we can use these not as an ending mark but as a gauge.  Where are we on a continuum? Not have we arrived.  Because, ladies and gents, we will never arrive.  Is that a bold statement? And one I’ve even heard some Christians debate? Yep.  But in my heart, as a Believer and Jesus follower at this point in my life, my humble perspective on what the Word of God states is that we are on a journey with Jesus by our side.  And with His spirit in us and at the same time, with a Holy, Divine guide amidst us.  Three in one.  The power in all forms in our life.  And when we decide that we can arrive and there’s a mark that we either hit or we are awful beings, ruining our kids and doomed for destruction on our path, I believe that that takes all the MIGHT out of the Mighty One and says, “I’ve got this and this is all about my power.”

I want to challenge you…no matter what summer looks like for you.  The working at home parent, the working outside the home parent, the working from home parent, the family in the midst of crisis, the family living among impending changes, the family in the valley, the family on the mountaintop…remind yourself daily, moment by moment, that you are on a journey.  Your kids need you to show up with the best version of you, through His power, that you can be NOW.  And then set your heart and soul determined to keep being better and knowing better through HIM.

At the end of the day, our kids will remember our striving.  Will they remember you striving in your own power and putting your faith in yourself? Or striving in His power and putting your faith and hope in your Savior?



still waters

I’ve always been a beach girl. I sometimes think I can blame it on my parents who took us to the beach yearly for family vacations. Although blame seems like a word I would give to something with a negative connotation. And there’s nothing negative about my love and passion for the ocean. For palm trees. For sand. For the rush of the waves trickling up the shore to my feet.

I’ve thought maybe it’s the nostalgia of it. Or the fact I get to leave “the real world” behind when I’m there. Or maybe it’s just tradition. Habit. What my souls knows.

But as I’ve left visit after visit from time by the ocean, I’ve had a newfound spiritual awakening about my why. Why I long for it. Why my souls thirsts and craves for it.

It’s where I tangibly can meet my Creator and experience his awe-inspiring stillness.

Still waters.

They are words that can wipe the stress, anxious thoughts and worries in an instant. But what I crave is the soul stillness. The one I find when I’m sitting beside the still waters.

What God has shown me is that while He knows my heart and my desires and longing for the shore. He made me in His image and to come alive in the midst his Creation. To be in awe of His works. I can’t always be by the actual, tangible still waters.

But He gives them to me when I seek Him and promises soul refreshment and restoration. In my daily life. In each moment I have breath, His offer is there.

When I retreat to the couch in the darkness of early morning before everyone in the house is awake with my coffee and bible.

When I stop and breathe His name, Jesus, in the midst of a busy mind fighting not to let the enemy steal the moment away.

When I watch my kids run in the open air soaking up sunshine their little bodies have craved all winter.

In the firm, loving embrace of my husband when he hears my woes from the day.

On my front porch. Where crickets chirp and the the warm pallet of the night sky meets the blue of the day’s sky.

Still waters. There, in those moments. He takes my hand and leads me there. In the middle of the ordinary.

He longs to guide and restore us to our still waters where we can meet Him. This beach girl’s soul’s desire isn’t a plane ride away. Or a planned vacation awaiting. It’s in my midst.

What are your still waters?

narrow minded


This morning, I woke and my mind was already busy.  Busy with thought which is nothing new for me.  I slept a little later than usual which always (actually, let’s be honest, that very rarely happens in this stage of life), throws me off.  I made my coffee and told Justin that I needed my “quiet” time…so I retreated to our bedroom where things weren’t as noisy.  (To be noted, as anyone with littles know, that still means there are echoes of lots of life coming down the hall from our babes.)

I want peace for my time with God.  I want to be able to get away to a calming atmosphere.  Preferably by the water.  Or with sunshine.  On my front porch.  Somewhere where I feel closest to God…and for me, usually that’s amidst nature or at least with it in sight.  But life is for real.  Life here on earth isn’t all our heart yearns for.  So I decided to make the most of it.

I walked into our bedroom and found piles upon piles of clothes and mess.  We had just come home from our vacation to the beach, so the suitcase sat with summer clothes -remnants of warm weather and sunshine and memories of water views…what my heart craves on the daily – spilling over onto the floor.  Half drank water glasses and water bottles.  Kiddo pajamas on the floor from our rushed mornings of them getting ready for school in our room while we get ready for work.  Messes reflecting the messy week.  Things I just didn’t want to deal with or focus on.  Especially not in that moment.  My heart sank.  And stepping back now I can see what was happening.  My focus was so wide.  Taking in everything around me.  All the mess.

Sitting in that cluttered bedroom, I wondered if this should even be the place I met with God.  But I heard whispered in my heart as I glanced up from my chair and saw the sun pouring through the window and a landscape of gorgeous large trees filled my view out the window, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you.” – Matthew 7:7

God opened the door of my heart and reminded me that it’s all about my focus.  All about how I channel my thoughts and the focus of my mind.  The enemy wanted to take that obedience and craving for time with my Savior away.  Satan wanted to stop me there and ruin my intentions of time with Jesus.  I fought back.  I narrowed my focus.  The Spirit pushed me on and His power won.

But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

-Matthew 7:14

That narrow focus through the mess to the sunlight-filled window and blue skies was the narrow path He calls us to daily.  And not just in our actions, but also our thoughts and where we dwell in the inner-most of our heart.

Did my shift in focus change the actual circumstances in my midst? Nope.  Did it change how I saw and found peace amidst that chaos? Yes! Does that change how I move into my day and into the world…it makes all the difference.



Col 1:17

We live in a constant state of doors opening and closing.  Have you ever noticed that? When something ends, it’s the start of a new beginning.  But sometimes there’s the middle ground.  The time between.  And at times, you can sense God has closed a door in your heart, yet it’s not tangibly closed.  And then there are times where you know He has promised the next open door, you just don’t have the key quite yet.  I’m living there currently.  Honestly, sometimes I even think I’m sitting here jingling a ton of keys and going, “Okay, God…which one do you want me to use here?”

What He’s telling me in the middle ground is the only thing that makes a difference in how this period goes is where my trust lies.  Does it lie in skewed thoughts of my own ability to choose the right key or realizing my inadequacy and need for His wisdom.

He tells us in His word that we can trust Him.  He tells us that He is always faithful.  He tells us that He has all our days laid out for us.  What He doesn’t tell us is the intricate details ahead of time.  The more and more I learn to depend on God’s timing and His direction, the more I become okay with that and even thankful for that.

He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. -Colossians 1:18

In my time with God this morning, I felt Him reminding me that not only should I trust Him to open the doors as He leads, but also, that I’m called to trust how He handles and brings peace to the situations within the doors He’s closing.  He is in and among it all. He holds it all together.  When He calls us out, He promises to work it all out for our good and the good of the others involved.   He opens the door and he closes the other one with the amount of care and provision that only He can.

He’s not just in what we move toward, but also in what we leave behind.

let it burn

I’ve been reading through Acts with an online community of Truth seeking women.  We ended 2018 reading Luke and have started the first month of 2019 by reading a chapter a day in Acts.  This daily ritual has been such a Spiritual refresher and strengthener for me.  Luke opened my eyes so much to where I feel God leading my focus for the year – to get moving.  To walk with Him and let the Holy Spirit propel me forward in obedience.  Enough of being a sponge.  In this season, for the most part, my cup runneth over with spiritual zest.  Time to let it ooze out and time to pour out.  To let the fire of the Holy Spirit burn bright through me.

So Acts has been timely.  In this book of the Bible we see men on fire for their Savior.  Men compelled to travel and share His word.  Men moving on mission KNOWING they will be persecuted and finding themselves gleeful when they do.  (Acts 5:41)  Men SO odd compared to those around them.  Men sold out for Jesus and changing lives like it was their job.  Because it was.  The mission of their lives.  And it can be ours also.

This morning, I was getting caught up on my reading, and came across Acts 19:17-20.

17 When this became known to the Jews and Greeks living in Ephesus,they were all seized with fear, and the name of the Lord Jesus was held in high honor. 18 Many of those who believed now came and openly confessed what they had done. 19 A number who had practiced sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly. When they calculated the value of the scrolls, the total came to fifty thousand drachmas. 20 In this way the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in powerActs 19:17-20 (emphasis, my own)

Here’s what I know about reading my Bible.  That God is THERE.  He’s ALIVE.  Which means His word is alive and when we are truly putting our intention into reading His word and seeking Him, the Holy Spirit is moving.  He’s there.  We can tap into that power and He can and will move.

What caught my attention was first the reminder that fear = honoring God.  I over-complicate fearing God.  If I’m honoring Him with my words, my actions, my heart and my thoughts – I am fearing Him and, therefore, in His will for my life.

BUT THEN.  Reading the verses about the sorcerers (magicians) literally burning what they lived for (in public!) to turn their lives over to Him stopped me.  I had to re-read.  These individuals were making out well financially, but yet, when they realized that they were living in sin, they burned what they were putting their hope in so that they could put their hope in Jesus.  A fresh start.  The old gone.  They let it burn.  And walked away into a new and eternal changed life.

AND IT GETS BETTER.  Because of that…the word of God spread and grew in power.  Talk about a fire.  A message of hope.  A message so culturally abnormal…literally spreading like wild fire.  Seizing anything in it’s path that surrendered.

I can’t just leave this thought on those pages.  I can’t help but wonder from these words, what is it that I need to burn and walk away from…never to pick back up.  Is it something in my thoughts? Is it a lie I tell myself? Is it a lie I portray? Is it a daily action?

What I know is that He wants a changed and refined heart in all of us.  And it’s a-never-fully-there kind of change.  YET His grace covers us once and for all every moment and wraps our surrendered heart with a clean sweep that promises eternity in His love.  So I come to Him asking how to draw nearer, how to love Him more and He says, “Let it burn.”

grace & ashes – jumping

Let me start by saying this feels raw.  It feels like I have taken the bandage and ripped it right off.  It feels vulnerable.  But yet it feels exactly like what this soul is needing.  I drove to the coffee shop today to write this first blog post (there’s a LOT more back story here, but since I tend to be a wordy writer anyway I will spare you those details – for now), praying for God to go before me and meet me there with the words He wanted me to spill onto the page.  That His Spirit would guide my fingers.  Would guide my thoughts.  That it wouldn’t be my message, but His.  It feels like I have years of emotions built up needing to share.  It feels like I have been missing a part of me in not writing.  It feels like in ripping this bandage off, healing is there.  At the surface.  It’s just what He promised it would be.

I wrote my first blog post almost a decade ago.  And since we’re talking about how I feel here…that feels crazy.  It felt somewhat like what this moment feels like.  The “okay, God, I get it…you want me to write.”  It had bubbled up in me so long that there was no tidily tucking it back in.  Here I am a decade later with that same feeling.  Yet this time, it comes with years of motherhood in my bag and raw moments of life that have literally brought me to my emotional end, crying out for His hand.  His revival in me.  His anything He has to give me.  Which I have learned over and over is, literally, His everything.  And this time, it’s not just that I want to write.  It’s that I need to write.

Life is a whirlind.  It swirls and twirls like one of those spinny things we used to play on on the playground as kids.  Where you grip tight, white-knuckled, close your eyes, and feel the force of the rotation slamming against you as you just try to hold your head up strong.  It doesn’t slow down until you’re begging the spinner to stop.  Begging to be able to catch your breath.  Begging to get off.  And then you do.  You jump.  You get that moment where you’ve hit the ground and, yet, you can still feel your body in motion.  But at rest.  That’s this moment.  I’ve been stuck on the spinny thing.  Gasping for that breath.  Shouting out for the mercy.  For His healing.  What I didn’t realize, is that I had to choose to jump off.  Choose to catch my breath.  He was offering it.  He was reaching out. I was just too busy and dizzy.

I’m not fully sure where I’m going here.  Yet I know I’m supposed to be going.  I know that my Savior won this battle in my heart and as many times as I have tried to fight it myself, He fought it for me.  That’s what I know for certain.  I can’t wrap this up into a tidy package, explaining exactly the posts you’ll find.  But one thing is for certain, know that each blog post shared here is a culmination of the grace He’s pouring out to me daily and the ashes that I’m choosing to rise above.  If it ever sounds messy, that’s because it is.  That’s where I find myself in less need of me and more in need of Him.  And if at other times it sounds neat and tidy, that’s through Him and His abundance.  I’m choosing to be here for Him.  For all of it.

Here I am, God.  Head still spinning.  Swirling.  Yet, I know you’ve called me to this place at this time for your purpose.  I’ve jumped off and I’m ready to catch my breath in You.  I’m accepting your grace and rising from these ashes of soul weariness.  You are alive in me.  Fill this vessel to pour your light and your love out here in this space.  May it be a space that is a quiet retreat for my soul and for other souls.  Yet, let it be a bold, holy ground for you to move and to set on fire on mission to spread your message.